#southpark headcanons
jewbeloved · 5 months
What it feels like to live with them in one big house 😭 ❤️💖😖
Featuring: Team Stan and CATG
Warning: Absolute chaos (It's ficking south park)
Gender: Neutral
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💙💚 The Main Four ❤️🧡
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💙❤️ Craig and Those guys 💜💛
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Oh my goodness, you'd be praying to god at this point If you expect there will be any peace in this house.
Your parents decided it would be a fun idea to have you all live in a big house together temporarily.
You will often wake up to Kyle and Cartman arguing and Cartman trying to get you on his side when Kyle is trying to prove him wrong about something.
Flour and batter everywhere when you walk into the kitchen and see Craig and Tweek making cupcakes, but Tweek freaking out that there isn't going to be enough for everyone and Craig constantly trying to calm him down.
If you want any peace, you might as well hope to go to Stan, Tolkien, Kenny, or Clyde..and maybe Jimmy if you're in the mood of hearing his jokes.
Stan would probably vent about his dad's shenanigans or him and Wendy's relationship and if you aren't in the mood of hearing allat go to somebody else then.
It's not very surprising that you and Tolkien have a great time spending time with each other because you both do your own things or play games.
Not everyday is absolute chaos though. sometimes you and everyone else actually get to have fun with each other with nobody arguing, fighting, etc. But there's no guarantee that peace will last long because Cartman is sure to start something like he always does.
Just give him that one death glare that Wendy gave to him when she fought him on the playground and Cartman will shut up.
When the days of living with them in one big house are over, you can't help but think what it would be like to have the parents living in one big house together but they aren't allowed to leave for 3 weeks.
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This can be seen in romantic or platonic.
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zujime · 2 years
hi! may I request nsfw post covid kyle x reader headcanons please? :) thank you!
─── kyle b. x reader
c.w. aged up, established relationship, breeding, handjobs, oral, dumbification, aftercare
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→ he’s more of a switch because he has days where all he wants is to dominate you, but he also has his days where he doesn’t really want to have any control. he also happens to be a bit vanilla in bed simply because he loves you and doesn’t want to do anything to hurt you in any way, now you might catch a few degrading terms fly out of his mouth when he’s dirty talking, but he’s quick to tell you he didn’t mean it afterwards.
→ he’s into breeding, no question there, but he also really like body worshiping on both ends. just to hear you say how perfect you think his freckled body is, has him turning sheepish. though he also loves worshiping your body—no matter the size or shape—because he thinks it’s perfect and if you happen to be insecure about it, he tries his best to rid of those insecurities.
→ he likes handjobs and receiving oral, but nothing compares to when you’re sitting on his face. whether he had a bad day or you did, he’s eating you out without question. if you’re not feeling up to it, that’s completely fine and he’ll try to console you in another way, but when you do oblige with his request, you’re not getting up any time soon.
→ he also loves fucking you dumb. just to hear you babble meaningless nonsense is such a turn on for him, but right after the two of you are done, he's quick to make sure you're alright. as hot as it was, the last thing he wants is to hurt you, so aftercare is a must when it comes to you.
→ he likes spoiling you, a lot. if you happened to come home stressed from work or something else, he's quick to lay you down on the bed and eat you out or even finger you till you forget about what had been bothering you to begin with.
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burnt-wat3r · 2 years
(Can be viewed as platonic or romantic!)
Word Count: 965
TW’S: None
Craig Tucker
➛ The fact you like animals makes him soooo happy
➛ Whenever you go over to his place, you always dote over how cute Stripe is
➛ Anytime you go over to his place you have to play with them
➛ He makes sure everyone remembers Stripe’s birthday and hosts parties for them every year
Craig leans down to speak, “Hey, Stripe’s birthday is next month.” 
Clyde beams, “Yeah, and mine’s next week!!! I’m hosting a party and-” 
“Stripe’s is more important.” He deadpans, flipping him off
➛ You ended up having to assure Clyde’s birthday still mattered, but Stripes was more important
➛ The two of you have photoshoot sessions where you dress Stripe up into little outfits and pose with him
➛ Craig’s phone screen background is a picture of you smiling, holding up Stripe in your hands. He’s got both of his favorite things in the same photo! (he still refuses to choose between whether he likes you or Stripe more)
➛ Flips you off whenever you mention liking any animal other than guinea pigs
➛Like, he gets that other animals are cool, but why like them when guinea pigs exist???
Tweek Tweak
➛ Is pretty anxious around animals, so he tends to stay away from them
➛ He’s very paranoid about another animal apocalypse taking over the world
➛ Any animals the two of you see are from a safe, safe distance
You look out of the bedroom window, pointing towards a shape in the snow, 
“Tweek, look! It’s a rabbit!”
His eyes widen, gripping his coffee cup, “AGH- What if it hops up here and tries to kill us?!?!”
“It’s not going to get us don’t worry! ... Besides I don’t think rabbits can jump that high.”
➛ He then went into detail about how he believes in a conspiracy theory about a secret rabbit religion revolving around the Catholic Church
➛ Tweek loves being able to ramble about things to you, and it helped him take his mind off the terrifying creature outside!
➛ He likes to bake you cupcakes with your favorite animal decorated on top :)
➛ They always turn out a little... jumbled, but he tried his best! He loves seeing you try to guess what animal he made, and the look of enjoyment on your face when you bite into the sweet treat!
Tolkien Black
➛ Tolkien thinks your love for animals is really cute!
➛ He loves listening to you rant about different animals you found, and holds onto every word you speak
“You won’t believe what I found outside today!” You smiled, bundling your jacket across your chest
Tolkien looks up from his book, “A cat?”
“No, I found a- wait, how’d you know?”
 He blinks at you with a blank face, “I can see its tail it sticking through your jacket.”
➛ He always makes sure that you are safe anytime you go out searching for stray animals cute pets!
➛ He’d mostly make sure you don’t try to pet anything with rabies, or wander anywhere you shouldn’t, but he still joins in when you find an animal to pet!
➛ Tolkien really enjoys talking to you, you could be talking about reading the dictionary and he’d still find it interesting!
➛ Loves to buy you animal-related things, clothes, plushies, mugs, anything and everything he can find!
➛ Had to stop because he found your closet completely overflowing with gifts, but he’ll still gift you something once in a while though :)
Clyde Donovan
➛ The two of you bond over taking Rex for walks every day
➛ You’re both found at the dog park often, with Clyde throwing footballs for Rex to fetch
➛ He’s practicing his throws, and having fun at the same time!
“Go Rex, go get it!” Clyde cheered, 
“Hey, Clyde... wasn’t that the football you just had autographed?”
He blanked for a minute, before shouting out, “WAIT, REX STOP!”
➛ Clyde tried racing across the field to get it first, though was undoubtedly incapable of beating the speed of his bloodhound
➛ It was covered in slobber when he got it back, but the two of you managed to clean it up
➛ The two of you are completely in synch, always running up to other animals to pet them
➛ Finds your love for animals so sweet, and will do his best to match your energy!
➛ You do have to drag him away from following strays into random back alleys though, he may not be the brightest, but he’s so sweet!
Jimmy Valmer
➛ He’s never overly cared for animals that much, but loves the way your face lights up whenever you see one!
➛ Whenever he sees you, he drops a few animal puns to make you smile
"What do mice e-eat on h-hot d-d-days? Mice c-cream!"
You giggle in response, and he begins to smile, "Wow what a t-terrific audience."
Deciding to make a joke back, you respond, "What did the dog hear after their performance? A round of appaws!"
➛ It would go back and forth like this between you two, time quickly filled with laughter and jokes
➛ As funny as your jokes are, the two of you would have to be careful how much you joke around others, not everyone can handle how absolutely terrible hilarious they are!
➛ Tolkien had to separate the both of you so many times before Craig lost his temper
➛ He always manages to sneak an animal pun into his comedy shows
➛ Seeing the laughter from the audience was well worth it, and he'd do anything to make you smile!
A/N: Sorry for being gone, I’m not sure when I’ll post next, this was just a post sitting in my drafts for the past 2 months!! I’ll do my best to work on requests! (and hopefully not procrastinate but I probably will, sorry again in advance) SORRY!!
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vampirevatican · 1 year
Kenny Immortality Headcanons
so like, how he dies and comes back right? his mom rebirths his ass and he hyper regenerates from there. ya know, the mysterion story line.
well, what if during highschool or college he figures out a way to be fully immortal even if his mom dies or is too old to rebirth him.
like if he’s injured he just regenerates, ofc depending on the severity the regeneration takes longer.
lost an arm? = dudes gotta rest for that shit to come back (make shift tourniquet, gotta bandage up, stop blood flow and let his body handle it while he rests)
a paper cut = up to him, normal human process or just look at it and go “yeah, no.”
bonus points if he finds a way for it to not hurt so bad.
double bonus points if he’s actually just the son of an eldritch being called yog-sothoth, so he is literally just an immortal (no need of mom’s womb he just materializes back into the plane of existence when he’s done being in the after life, like it’s a vacation)
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Friends w/ Benefits !!
- with the South Park Boys / x Reader
Author’s Note ;
Sup, so I decided on making multiple little scenarios and ideas of what I think would happen if you were in a FWB relationship with these dudes. Trust me, it’s going to get spicy and interesting. And if you’re looking for that, you’ve come to the right place. Keep in mind, the characters are all going to be in their college years so they will be 18+. Not trying to have them in elementary. And if you’re near that age, get out of here kid, this is definitely not for you.
Before I make this too long, I’m going to end this here. Enjoy, tread carefully, I’ll add warnings about what’s in there and details so check that out before you dive too far in. Unless you’re a veteran. HAHAHA
P.S, I didn’t add in Cartman because I’m an AVID hater, I’m sorry in advance! But, I did add somebody I adore: Craig! Although, it’s kinda gay, but that’s for the boys or transmascs. Y’know, I gotta provide!
Point of View : First P.O.V.
Character’s in here : Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, Kenny McCormick, and Craig Tucker.
#1 ; Stan Marsh
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The song that I thought fit this best :
Sexual Dynamic : Fem!Dom | Masc!Sub
What’s in here : Mentions of throwing-up (obviously), dom fem reader, edging, and drunk oral sex.
- Phew, this dude will take FOREVER before he comes around to this idea.
- I feel like this would be the case of not trying to move too fast into a relationship because let’s be honest, he’s going to want to end up being with you.
- He’ll have met you during class when assigned a project with you. A bit cliché, but do you think he’d really have the guts to randomly walk up to you?
- You’d end up in conversations with him because of the constant pairing together and this helped the both of you find out you had similar interests. He loved the same genre of music, had the same sense of humor, and made you laugh half of the time because of his stupid jokes.
- Eventually, Stan tried to see you whenever he was free and his friends weren’t tagging behind. A lot of this was during your walk to classes.
- He’d have to race to his right after and sometimes even arrived late because of you.
- Wendy was the first to get suspicious of the behavior because it’s her ex after all and she wasn’t done with her constant off-and-on relationship with him.
- They got into a huge fight about it and that ended up putting the idea in Stan’s head instead. (Poor Wendy. Happens to the best of us.)
- Might’ve caused a complete break-up between them.
- First time he didn’t go goth because of it! (Really, it’s because of you.)
- But, that didn’t mean he didn’t drink.
- And that also didn’t include the fact he was beginning to think of you in that way which in turn made him began to avoid you.
- His races to his classes turned into him racing out of the classes he had with you to the bathroom.
- After a couple of weeks of him doing this, you concluded it had to do something with Wendy, but you thought he was distancing himself to get her back.
- The depression hit hard. Despite you having an attraction towards him, you tried to convince yourself you were okay.
- You WEREN’T.
- Neither was he. He had to choose between telling you about his feelings or being an asshole by ditching you to get himself plastered enough so he could forget about it. Mind you, he thought he was deep in the friendzone. To him, telling you the truth was setting himself up for rejection.
- You were both oblivious to each other’s suffering until the two of you were invited to the same party.
- Because you were having such a hard time dealing with the random drift from Stan, you decided to go and feel your best by getting dressed up.
- Alcohol was another convincing factor. Ironic considering that was the same reason why he was going.
- When you arrived at the party, you navigated around and talked with a couple of friends before asking where the drinks were. That’s where you would stumble upon the drunk raven-haired boy with a vodka bottle that had been chugged by him to the very middle.
┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✧ Start of Scenario ✧ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
Stan laid back against the wall of the kitchen, taking another swig of the vodka he had, and reaching up to slap a hand against the counter when his eyes locked with yours. He slowly lifted himself up, swaying like he was about to collapse any second. “Oh fuck, why’d you have to be here? I think I’m going to be sick,” he covered his mouth while loudly exclaiming that, turning to the side as if he was retching.
You automatically looked offended, your face scrunching up before you reared a hand back and slapped him across the cheek. HARD. That knocked the sense back into him because his eyes went wide and he quickly went to explaining himself, “Ow! OW! Hey, wait! No- *gag* It’s not because you’re terrible or anything! It’s cause-”
He couldn’t finish as once he looked down at your outfit, he sprawled straight for the sink, and puked his brains out. That’s when it clicked in your head. Stan threw up whenever he liked someone.
You stared at the bottle he held, freaking out in your thoughts about the situation, and going for it anyway. It wasn’t hard to take it out of his hold as he was focused on getting all the sick out of himself.
Taking a huge chug of the vodka, you coughed and sputtered when swallowing, wiping the sides of your mouth before grabbing the back of Stan’s shirt. He was dragged upstairs while you were finishing the rest of what was left, throwing the bottle on the floor afterward.
He slurred out what he was trying to say earlier as you both ascended to the next floor, “I’m not disgusted by you.! I like-” But, once again, he was cut off by another rise of bile up his throat. Right when you passed by the bathroom, he pulled away from you, making you follow with him before he toppled over the side of the tub to let it out.
“Jesus Christ, Stan. What is wrong with you?” You asked, concerned for his well-being at this point. He leaned his head to the side, spitting the rest, and turning on the shower to wash it away. Then he got up with a wobble. For the third time, he continued to try and explain, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m just trying to tell you that I don’t get sick because I think you’re nasty. I’ve been trying to tell you that I think you’re-”
His face began to scrunch up and that’s when you stepped in, saying it for him with a yell, “I KNOW! I know, Marsh! I know you like me! I like you just as much, you don’t have to say it, you don’t have to acknowledge anything about this! Just stop and go back to Wendy like you have been!” Backing away, you put your hands up and closed your eyes, worried about the inevitable stream of disgusting stomach acid. But, nothing happened.
Instead, the sound of water met your ears and you opened your eyes to see the boy washing his mouth out. His blue eyes met yours, turning off the faucet, and standing back up to clear his throat, “I’ve been trying to say that for weeks now.” It was like a light switch had flipped in his demeanor and he was all of a sudden fine.
Stan continued, sounding a bit raspy because of how much he threw up, “I haven’t talked to Wendy ever since I had walked you to your house. That was the day I realized I… like you.” He hesitated but he managed to say it, looking surprised himself. You paused. It made sense. Around that time, his avoiding started.
There were no words you could give in the moment. You thought this entire time he had been chasing her while in reality, he was hooked on you. Nothing came out and no idea of what to say came to mind. He had officially broke you.
Moving forward slowly, his gaze flickered down to your lips, giving you the signal before leaning into a kiss due to his compulsive and drunk desires. If you weren’t going to tell him anything, he’d get you to respond in another way. Your lips were turning numb along with the rest of your body as you could feel yourself falling down the rabbit hole of a stupor. A part of you was slightly repulsed by the fact he was kissing you after all that happened, but he mostly tasted like the disgusting vodka rather than puke. Which was surprising to say the least.
It didn’t lead to a make-out as you moved to your knees instead, closing the bathroom door behind you, and hearing him lock it with a shaky voice following after, “Fuck, wait, I don’t want to end up getting sick on you. I’ve barely been able to get past a kiss, let alone a touch there. I don’t know if I could handle this.” He rambled and rambled while you unbuttoned his jeans, feeling his dick progressively getting hard already.
A sharp gasp left him when your fingers brushed passed it through his boxers, causing him to hold his breath while still trying to get through to you, “Seriously, [Y/N], I might throw up again!” You sighed and stood back up after his second warning, placing your hand on his chest to ease him down onto the toilet seat. He sat upright, his eyebrows knitted together as you finally responded, “If you do, aim for the tub or sink. I get horny when drunk and I don’t think I want to stop any time soon, Stanley.”
You went right back to getting on your knees in front of him and wrapped your hand around his shaft to jerk it off through the fabric, seeing a small dot of pre-cum began to form around where his tip was. He could feel the warm nauseating feeling travel up his esophagus, making him panic, and move his head to the side to avoid getting it on her while you traveled to get his underwear off of him. Wendy had never done something like this to him before. As soon as he vomited around her, she was quick to lose her appetite for it.
This was different. He felt himself bare and exposed after you succeeded in getting his lower clothes down to his knees. And this was the point where he was feeling it fill his cheeks, he tried to suppress it as much as he could, swallowing it and enduring it. It was like his body was going through an anxiety attack and all it was doing was constantly sending him in this cycle of emptying his stomach because of simple things he should be allowed to do as a man.
He didn’t have an answer to what was wrong with him, but what he did know was that it pissed him the fuck off. Regaining his strength, his hand reached up to your head and he requested something directly to you for the first time without one slightest hesitation, “Please, just keep encouraging me beautiful… and can you keep calling me by my- uh- full name?”
You gave his flushed pink tip kisses, swiping your tongue slowly across it before obliging to his ask while pumping his dick with one hand, “You’re doing an amazing job, Stanley. I’m so proud of you… Is that what you wanted? Does that make you feel good, my handsome boy?” A sly smirk spread onto her face as she looked up to see his shocked expression, wrapping her entire mouth around him and hollowing her cheeks.
Never in a million years would he think that a girl would hit dead on the spot of what he needed, jolts of pleasure running through his legs and lower stomach at the comments. Butterflies plagued him rather than nausea. And what he had been waiting for was happening, he was relaxing into a blowjob.
His hands went for her hair immediately to lace his fingers in between whatever he could, gripping it gently while the relief showed through his half-lidded eyes and his happy pants. Stan let out a choked moan along with an excited but still cracking voice, “I don’t feel.. it! God, this is.. actually amazing… Please, please don’t stop… Keep going, [Y/N]!”
Bobbing your head up and down patiently, you picked up your pace minute by minute, watching as the boy lost it at the feeling. You were too good to him. Your suction on him was tight and you made sure your cheeks were pressed up against your teeth just enough to create the best possible experience for him.
Stan’s chin tilted up to the ceiling while curses spilled, “Fuck, fuck, why do you… have to feel so good?” You could see veins popping around his neck and his Adam’s apple moving up and down from the noises escaping him. His legs were starting to move inward towards themselves, knees about to touch, and his dick was beginning to throb in your mouth. You knew what this meant right away.
“I’m not going to be able to make it for that long if you feel this amazing, god damn it,” he choked out, his fingers digging into your scalp, but not on purpose. To solve this, you popped your mouth off of him and decided to use the time for his cool down to catch your breath.
He looked at you, confused and flustered, his dick inches away from your face. It was twitching and the pre-cum kept leaking because of how pent up he was. You snickered, “I thought you were going to get sick on me? Am I the first one you haven’t vomited on?”
Staring at you for a moment while catching his breath too, he fixed his messy hair, and shakily replied, “Yeah, technically.” You raised your eyebrows before smiling bashfully like that was a compliment. And maybe it was. But, you shouldn’t get too ahead of yourself.
Returning back to the activity at hand, you littered the sides of him with kisses, turning your focus to the veins wrapping around it which received a lot of feedback from him. “Woah, woah! Straight to it, huh?” His groans were amplified. It was like he got ten times more sensitive because you edged him.
It didn’t take much of you going back to sucking him to cause his orgasm rushing back. He was teetering on the edge, using the counter and anything else that he could grab on to vent by digging his fingernails into them.
Tears brimmed his eyes and he didn’t want to tell you that he was near, but he also didn’t want you to have a risk of choking. So, he confessed again, “I’m going to! I’m going to, you can stop…” He didn’t know why you were teasing him like this. But, for some reason, he enjoyed it too.
This time, you didn’t pull away. You picked up your pace instead. And that made him nearly knock off everything on the counter. He instinctively stood up, grabbing your head, and in the last final minute he had your mouth wrapped around him; he fucked hard into your throat and let out the cum he had been penting up since the last time he got to interact with you.
The groans that left him were loud and breathy, his eyes almost closing from how tired he got because of the amount of alcohol that was in his system. You were swallowing as much as you could to keep yourself from possibly throwing up yourself due to choking.
Eventually, every bit was dumped out of him and he pulled you off to let you breathe. You gasped for air and glared at him. Stan realizing what he did then and apologizing right away, “Oh crap, I didn’t mean to do that! I was trying to be careful, I’m so sorry!”
Proceeding to apologize to you for the rest of the night after that, the two of you had returned to walking each other home, feeling a long in your heart to remain by each other’s sides when you had to return to your separate dorm rooms. One thing was for certain though. You and Stan were going to have a lot of secrets that the title friends could only cover.
┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✧ End of Scenario ✧ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
#2 ; Kyle Broflovski
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The song that I thought fit this best :
Sexual Dynamic : Vanilla-esque.
What's in here : Slow sex, slightly experienced Kyle, and facial ejaculation.
- Oh no. Here we go. Now, Kyle, he’s a different story when it comes to getting into a friendship like this.
- He’d probably be easier to convince than Stan, but that’s if you were direct and honest with him.
- You’d have to be somewhat close with him enough to get to that conversation so I would say about five months into meeting him through mutual friends at the lunch tables. At some point, both of you would come across each other and have an in-depth conversation.
- He’s a sucker for intellectual people so once you’re bringing up your collections of books and the fact you make regular visits to the library, this guy’s interest shoots through the roof.
- Eventually, you’re the only thing he starts talking about with his friends and they all start to notice him drifting off in daydreams during class.
- This was about a couple of weeks into the friendship.
- The nerd just couldn’t stop eyeballing you. It didn’t help that he really admired your style and the way you dressed as well.
- Stan pulled him to the side one day to have a talk with him about you and he managed to convince the curly redhead to ask you to hangout at his place.
- The idea was that he was going to watch a whole marathon of Harry Potter movies with you considering the two of you were huge fans of the series.
- You were immediately down as soon as he asked. If anything, you were cheering to yourself about it.
- Now, you could put your plan in action.
- The truth was that you had thought of the Broflovski in many ways that would be considered beyond unholy.
- And the fact his parents were going out for the weekend you were coming over too did not help the ideas popping up in your head.
- When it came upon the day you were coming over, you decided to put on your sexiest outfit yet.
- A short tennis skirt, a laced spaghetti-strapped crop top, and a pair of thigh highs was enough to do the trick.
- You arrived at his place a couple of minutes early but just enough to where you didn’t look crazy, secretly wearing nothing underneath on purpose for him.
- He had paid Stan to babysit Ike for him that day too.
- You were not the only one plagued with not-so-innocent thoughts the entire week leading up to it. Kyle had some things planned out in his head as well. Technically, a mutual agreement without saying a word.
- Kyle was fast in opening the door for you and once he saw what you were in, the red on his face was more than visible.
- Obviously, he couldn’t hide the fact he was staring and definitely interested in the sight you were giving him.
- He locked every lock on that door as soon as you got inside.
┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✧ Start of Scenario ✧ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
You hopped onto his couch the moment the warmth of the house enveloped you, causing you to sigh in content. The freezing temperatures of South Park made it impossible for a girl to get pretty but you weren’t letting that stop you. Your eyes landed back on Kyle who was dressed in a green long sleeve and brown pants.
His outfit was super cute, less risqué than yours, however, that did not matter. He still looked like a snack to you. And you were already willing to lunge for him. But, you kept your distance. For now.
The boy sat next to you and relaxed into the cushions along with, being the one to break the silence by complimenting what you were wearing, “I swear, you choose outfits that fit you too well sometimes.” Benefits of talking to a guy with brains was the way they word things. “You’re not helping my barely growing teenage brain here,” he added on as a joke. A part of you knew that he wasn’t entirely bluffing though.
This was proven when you glanced down at his lap to check if there was a sign and sure enough, a rising tent had appeared.
Kyle, quick to notice things, saw that you had peeked and grabbed for a pillow to sit it over his crotch. Embarrassed that he didn’t think of doing that as soon as his mind went south.
But, you weren’t going to ignore that. You couldn’t. Your eagerness was too much for you and the heat between your legs was screaming for you to get to moving. So, you huffed out, “I don’t think I want to help. I’m here for encouragement…” While scooting yourself to replace the pillow on his lap with your ass instead.
He tensed up, sucking a breath in, and using his hands to grip your hips. You could feel his boner poking your inner thigh, about to brush the spot you wanted it to the most which got you even more excited.
Kyle was just as excited, jabbering on as soon as you pressed down into him, “I was hoping you would say that. I didn’t think I could just be friends with you as much as I wouldn’t like to admit that…” His hips bucked upward into you repeatedly, rocking himself into a position where his hard-on could rub against you perfectly. Your eyes widened and a moan slipped out.
The front of his pants was starting to get wet from grinding up into your bare pussy, causing him to notice, and ask, “Are you wearing anything under that?” You shook your head no while biting your lip, moving one of your hands to grab your breast and the other to lift up your skirt.
He watched what you were doing with an aroused look to his green eyes, staring at your chest often. This gave you the idea to strip off your top and throw it to the floor.
What a good idea it was because it made Kyle leap to tug his pants off. His boxers followed with and out sprang his dick, hitting his chest from how hard it got. The freckled boy panted, a blush everywhere on his body, matching the color of his hair. He was unbelievably attractive like this.
You leaned down next to his ear to whisper while grabbing his shaft, “I’ve been wanting you inside me ever since Sophomore year.” Before pushing it inside of you and lowering yourself all the way down until you were sitting right on his v-line.
He shuddered and gripped onto you tightly, digging his head back into the couch from the pleasure that rushed through him at the warm, wet feeling wrapping around.
“You should’ve said something because I would’ve made that come true,” he said. That was the last thing that was spoken as the two of you got lost in sex. You began to bounce on him and he guided you to grind during the process. Your eyes drifting everywhere, going from dazing off at the wall, to looking at him without a single thought in the world other than how good he was making you feel.
Kyle was in the same state. Admiring you by skimming his hands across your sides and using his fingers to play with your nipples. After riding him for a couple of minutes and starting to sweat from the workout it was giving you, he flipped you to rest back onto the armrest.
He slowly rocked his dick into you, pushing into your walls, and digging for spots that made you gasp. His groans ended up being muffled into your neck as he buried himself in the crook of it, kissing against your skin, and creating hickies once he traveled enough.
During his slow fucking, he drifted his thumb over to your clit and rubbed it at a good pace that matched his thrusts. It had you constricting yourself around him until you were a shaking mess, cumming underneath his figure, and riding out the high with him.
The green-eyed boy pulled out when you finished, jerking himself off at a fast speed, and asking politely, “Can you open your mouth and level with it please?” Without hesitation, you lowered yourself to his dick and let him release all over your face.
You stuck your tongue out, feeling the sticky liquid decorate most of it before you swallowed the bit that landed there, looking up at him with a smile.
Both of you had to clean up more than watch movies after that, but that did not matter to you, whatsoever. The only thing that mattered from that point was the next weekend you had to plan with the Broflovski.
┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✧ End of Scenario ✧ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
#3 ; Kenny McCormick
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The song that I thought fit this best :
Sexual Dynamic : Masc!Dom | Fem!Sub
What’s in here : Praise/ degrading kink, lots and lots of positions, public sex, and a creampie.
- Well, well, well. What most of you’ve been waiting for. The guy that obviously will take no time in making you his fuck buddy!
- It’s pretty obvious that right away he made his intentions clear and he communicated them with no problem.
- And that’s exactly why you were into him.
- Kenny has an eye for girls that like to have a fun time and you happened to be one with a big reputation of rebellion.
- You loved ditching class, hating the kids, the work being too stressful, and all of the above was the reason why.
- And he was often caught back there as well. So, sooner or later, you came across each other on one of your breaks from the shitty school environment and took it together.
- Might have ended up in the mutual agreement of being FWB’s right then and there which lead to you giving the boy his first non-std infected blowjob.
- The thing that had gotten in your way, however, was the fact you had strict parents and this meant you had no way of getting out of the house to meet up with him.
- To make things worse and add the cherry on top, this started around the end of the school year and the both of you ended up having no way to contact each other because of this.
- Those two months for both you and Kenny were perhaps one of the most depressing periods of time in your life.
- After dealing with this, College had started and your parents began to let you have more freedom because you were becoming an adult.
- You were frustrated at the timing, the blonde-haired boy on the back of your mind the entire time they spoke to you about it. And the more you had longed to see him again.
- The first day of College arrived some time later and you had no idea what to expect.
- There was an uneasy feeling. You knew that Kenny wasn’t financially well off and you didn’t know if he was good grade-wise so it left you with the weight of finding out whether or not he was attending.
- Throughout the whole school day, you looked for him, high and low, low and high. Everywhere.
- He wasn’t in any single one of your classes. None of his friends were too. It seemed like all hope was lost and that the inevitable had happened.
- But, before you could end up back in that same pit of sadness, during the walk out of one of your classes to go to another; you passed by the stairs and someone grabbed you.
- Not knowing who it was, you put up a bit of a fight, losing pretty badly considering the person was quite strong, ending up behind the crevice of the stairs anyway.
- When you came face-to-face with the man that dragged you away, you squealed for joy.
- It was, of course, the McCormick.
- Both of you collided into a huge hug and stayed there for a while, cherishing each other’s warmth and smell.
- He’ll always have that faint smell of weed on him, but, it made him hotter in a way.
- It didn’t take long for the hug to turn into an elated talk.
┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✧ Start of Scenario ✧ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
“Where have you been? How has life been treating you, Ken?” You asked while shoving his arm playfully, tilting your head to the side. He smirked at your behavior, finding it cute, before responding casually, “Honestly, it could be better. But, I’ve been doing okay. Now, that I’m getting to see my smokin’ hot babe again though, I think it’s more than great!” His nickname that he gave you made you crack up and blush at the same time.
Laughing along with you, he repeated the question, aiming it toward you this time. Your expression quickly dropped for a minute and when you remembered that he could pick up on that, you tried to play it off, “Oh, yeah! Uh, I’ve been okay too. Just been working my ass off in keeping my room clean so my parents won’t take my phone for the millionth time.”
A sigh left him hearing that and he clicked his tongue in disappointment, shaking his head side to side while leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. “Still dealing with them? Damn, I’m all for parents making sure their kids are doing what they’re supposed to and actually taking care of em’, but, when you’re practically shoving your nose in their ass, that’s a problem,” he complained.
You agreed, “Tell me about it.” Rolling your eyes, you copied his body language by leaning too. Having dealt with them being this way since twelve, he didn’t even know half of it.
Silence began to fall onto your ears as Kenny opted for staring at you other than continue the conversation, his blue eyes scanning down your body, ultimately going for his perverted tendencies by lingering on your breasts a little too long. You snickered in response to this, “Really? You’re going to stare? You know you have hands, right pretty boy?”
Teasing him was just what you needed to do to make him budge as the McCormick turned to pin you to the wall, leaning down to get to your eye level. He gave you a small, soft kiss on the lips before pulling away to began lifting your shirt up above your head with a retort, “You should watch what you’re saying or else you’re going to end up being humiliated in front of a whole bunch of people, [Y/N].” So, he was saying your name now?
You decided you wanted to see if he would go that far by testing him, snaking your hand up to his waistband before shoving it inside of his pants without any struggle. Starting to rub him through his boxers right away, Kenny let out a grunt and pressed his forehead against yours while his brows furrowed.
Your voice lowered only for him to hear what you were telling him, “Do it. Fuck me so hard that everybody will know who’s screwing me that good.” His breath got shaky at that and you felt his cock throb in your hold.
He started tugging at his pants, bringing them down to his ankles along with his underwear from how eager he was after hearing what you said. A feeling of regret haunted you for a second when you glanced at the size of him, forgetting how huge he was until you got to see it in front of you.
But, that was overshadowed by how horny it also made you. Your own shorts were being thrown to the ground with the rest of the clothes. Eventually, leaving you both naked in front of each other.
Kenny was the quickest into getting in action, massaging your tits with both of his hands while moving his mouth to latch onto your neck. He made a couple of hickies working his way to your collarbone, running his fingers from your nipple to what’s in between your legs to rub your clit in circles for a minute.
Getting bored with this, he switched it up by continuously kissing lower and lower. Still sucking on certain spots to get it to bruise. He was marking you up and you were enjoying every single one. You moaned softly, trying to keep quiet, but loud enough for him to hear. After all, you didn’t want to actually get spotted doing this with him and end up expelled.
When he got to your pussy, his arms slid into the crevices of your thighs before he lifted both of them, spreading them across the wall. Then his mouth put all of the attention onto it.
Kenny licked your folds repeatedly at first to get a taste of your juices, gliding his tongue over your sensitive bud, and swirling it in a pattern to get you to make more noises for him. You were restless, grinding up into his face, and tugging onto his hair the moment he got to flicking side-to-side.
He went at it for a couple, causing you to cover your mouth midway through because of how much your voice was raising. It felt amazing. Like you were floating from how good his technique was.
Covering you with his spit from how messy he ate you out, you jutted your hips up and began to grind on his face. Around his mouth was a mess, spreading to his nose, and cheeks. He looked deep into your eyes the whole time he did it and switched to sucking your clit for the finale.
The blonde-haired boy got you to cum from that alone. Letting you roll on him like he was your new personal chair and smother his head with your thighs until pure bliss was the one thing showing in his expression.
Your juices spilled onto him, some landing where his dick was which worked out for lubrication in the long run. He stood back up, glistening in the sun from all the wetness, telling you with a smooth tone, “Turn around for me and put that ass up, baby.”
With shaky legs from the orgasm you had, you did what he said and bent over, your cheek pressed up on the cold bumpy surface. “Look at that… You’re being such a good little whore for your best friend,” Kenny cooed while grabbing your head and pushing you up against it; positioning himself with your entrance and sliding in easily. The both of you moaned out in satisfaction.
You had been waiting for him to do this to you for so long. And it didn’t hurt as bad as you thought it would. In fact, the big size and girth gave you the feeling of being full.
He sent loud slaps through the wall once he rammed his first set of thrusts into you, being fucked aggressively in doggy style despite you not being far from your peers and a death sentence from your parents.
The wet sounds mixing along with it didn’t help. And you were so sensitive that it made it impossible for you to hold your breath. The whining, yelps, and panting all at a high enough pitch that it was beginning to echo. You were going to get caught if he didn’t finish soon. Both of you would. But, for some reason, that didn’t sound as threatening as it should.
Your sense of danger was dulled from how hard he was railing you. And how turned on you were from it. Like he had molded you into being stupid for the time being.
You raked your nails on the wall and arched your back more, pleading out to him, “Faster, Kenny! Please, hurry up… I don’t want to get in trouble!” He paused as if he wasn’t expecting to hear that, but responded once it registered, “Okay, though you asked for this…”
Quickening his pace, your eyes shut and you used your hand to muffle yourself by biting onto it, crying out from his dick practically reaching into your stomach. He groaned, watching the display for himself to memorize, and slightly impressed at how dirty this hook-up was. You were going to be his favorite, for sure.
His end began to near around the time the bell was about to ring again, people about to fill the halls any second now while you’re being pummeled by the biggest pervert in school. You murmured curses quietly, feeling him grab both of your wrists while chasing his high as fast as he could. Tears left your eyes when Kenny finally reached it.
He didn’t pull out. Instead, he fucked his jizz inside of you and pumped every last drop he could. “Fuck! Fuck, that’s right… Take as much as you fucking can.” His dirty words were like music to your ears and the way his cum filled you to the brim made you hum. Drool dripping down the side of your mouth from how out of it you were.
Although, he was put in a tricky situation considering you could no longer walk and he possibly could’ve got you pregnant, a huge derpy smile stayed on Kenny’s face for the rest of the time he was with you. No one had seen him that happy ever. So, there was a lot of questions you had to answer when the boy ended up confessing that it was because of you. Who knew it was so hard to keep a secret with the McCormick.
┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✧ End of Scenario ✧ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
#4 ; Craig Tucker
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The song that I thought fit this best :
Sexual Dynamic : Masc!Sub | Masc!Dom
What’s in here : Yandere Craig (doing it cause I felt like it), mentions of murder, rough/painful sex, and a cumshot with a creampie.
- Well fuck, this guy had known you for so long that he could barely remember when he first met you.
- But, that didn’t mean you two were close.
- You were simply friends from afar before ending up complete nobodies to each other around the time college came about.
- Or that’s what you thought.
- Craig had only stopped talking to you, he didn’t completely stop from hanging around you.
- Meaning that he would often drop by the places he knew you were hanging around to sit nearby and watch what you would do.
- This wouldn’t be creepy if it weren’t for the fact that the only place you liked to be inside was your dorm room. So, he was watching you from your window.
- It was easy for him considering the two of you were neighbors and whenever he wasn’t occupied with his love life, he’d be lost in staring at you playing the guitar or even go as far as watching you change.
- At some point, his infatuation with you peaked after coming across a late night masturbation session you were having, forgetting to close the blinds which let him have access to the scene.
- You had no shirt on, your pants barely above your knees, watching something on your computer screen. And his body was quick to react when he looked down.
- He got an idea to bring out his camera and record you, taking the moment to have fun himself.
- After jerking off and cumming around the same time with you, muttering your name in the middle of it, he knew he wasn’t going to be able to sit beside and just watch you forever.
- With an entire month of constantly recording you, breaking into your room and taking some of your clothes. Even stealing pencils that you broke out of boredom from the trash to keep in his drawer and watching you get drunk until you hooked up with random woman. Craig spiraled downward into an unhealthy obsession.
- He couldn’t stand it when seeing you flirt with girls despite knowing that you had no knowledge of his existence.
- If you took them home or went home with them, they would end up missing the next day.
- Craig didn’t know why he did it. He just simply felt the motive. Maybe it was because they were girls and he was a boy or maybe because he was in love with you. Honestly, he didn’t want to think on it.
- It got out that some of these woman were disappearing around your area and you ended up finding out it was the ones you hooked up with when the police were at your door.
- You were questioned and put as the number one suspect because you were the last person seen with them. And this confused and scared you badly.
- The police were convinced you were telling the truth by the way you reacted to the interrogation. Answering all of their questions sincerely, even telling them details of that night you had with them but not going too far to where it was weird.
- Also, the devastation on your face was easy to see. So they left you alone.
- However, this haunted you and you became desperate on trying to find out more about what happened to the girls by asking around. As well as waiting for more information from the investigation.
- The black-haired boy had to keep a low profile after and thanked himself for dumping the bodies in the lake further ahead of time.
- He was oddly disappointed in himself because of what he had done. Not because he had taken the lives away from innocent girls, but because he made your life become so hectic and had you go through so much stress.
- After the ordeal was dying down and the cops were coming to a dead end, the cases went cold and Craig went about his daily life of stalking you once again.
- You did not come back from this okay. Actually, it lead you to distancing from people romantically and sexually because you were afraid they would disappear.
- Landing you in therapy to get over the traumatic experience and depression that was swallowing you whole. Making you lose all of your friends and end up alone.
- And who would’ve known that Craig happened to need to go to the same therapist too? After his parents had found him talking to a wall and carving an initial into himself, your initial.
- He was admitted out of self harm. But, really, he was coping with the fact he couldn’t follow you during the search for the kidnapper of your flings.
- This gave him an opportunity to get to know you though as you crossed paths often when waiting in the lobby for appointments.
- One day, he told himself he was going to try and greet you. It should be easy because you both used to know each other, right?
- But this lead to him dodging it as soon as he got near you.
- You could be thirty feet away and Craig was standing there, panicking in his head, his face the exact opposite with barely any emotion present. Contradicting his stoicism, his heartbeat was racing.
- Your eyes had glanced over and ended up locking with his, raising a brow like you were questioning him.
- Then he saw you get up and began to head over to him.
- He became extremely nervous and excited all at the same time, clearing his throat and taking a deep breath to ready himself before you were right in front of him.
- His blue eyes were intense and burrowed themselves into your head as you got to finally talk to the guy you’d been seeing around.
- Might have been an socializing assignment your therapist gave you so you can repair your relationship with people. Fucked up considering he’s the one that ruined it in the first place.
┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✧ Start of Scenario ✧ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
“I remember you! You’re the guy that lived in my neighborhood! Your name’s Craig, right?” You gave him a chipper smile, taking off your headphones to rest them on your shoulders. Craig had froze and stared at you blankly before rushing to find something to respond with, “Uh, yeah, I happen to be that guy.” It came out more awkward than he had wanted it to but who could blame him? He was talking to the boy he had been immensely infatuated with for months now who was acting extremely casual.
You laughed in victory at the correct guess and placed out a hand for him to shake, telling him why you approached, “That’s great! I had been looking for some more friends actually as I’ve went through something a little while ago and it’s left me a bit lonely. You think you could be my friend?”
He didn’t know how to register what you were saying but he wasn’t upset about it in the slightest. Although, his mind wasn’t concluding this as you two being ‘friends’. Grabbing your hand, he shook it and forgot to not put so much force, ending up yanking you a little too forward.
Your face collided with his chest due to losing your balance, making him catch you, and help you regain it by making you hug him. It didn’t help that you were at his height too because as soon as you pulled back, your nose was almost touching his. His eyes were back to burning themselves into yours, an electric feeling running through you at the moment. ‘Why did he look at me like that?’ you wondered, ‘Like I’m the most interesting thing in the world.’
Craig had to hold himself back from doing anything stupid and last minute, tensing up and slowly getting you to move back to where you were by grabbing both of your shoulders. You blinked rapidly and muttered out an apology, “My bad, I didn’t mean to fall into you and stay there, you just got really pretty eyes man.” That wasn’t a lie, you did think the color was super nice to look at.
But this compliment hit him way harder than it should’ve. And he found himself beginning to blush, blurting out a compliment back before he could think, “So are yours.”
The both of you were becoming flustered, looking at each other for a minute until you thought of another topic to talk about, trying to save yourself from spawning a crush on the guy. “So, what do you like to do in your spare time?” you went for that. And instead of answering, he asked you another question, “Do you smoke?”
Your eyes went wide as you watched him reach into his pocket and pull out a blunt the size of a finger, staring at it in disbelief. This was the weirdest interaction you’ve had yet. And how did he know that you were okay with that? And smoked weed? Did you smell like it? All these questions ran through your head but at some point, you had to answer him, and free drugs were a hard thing to come by, so you were honest, “Yeah, I do.”
A part of you felt pumped about it while another was a bit weirded out. However, you forgot about it quickly as soon as the blue-eyed man started walking away. You began to follow behind him, keeping up enough to watch his back the entire way, and admiring the trees every second or so when you got bored.
It was quiet. Not a word exchanged between them. That was because Craig was over his head. He was piecing something together in his thoughts, forming a plan, one that wasn’t what you would call sane. But, that was because he simply wasn’t. He couldn’t pretend like he hadn’t been thinking of you in a certain way for a long time. Like he hadn’t killed for you because of it.
As he lead you to a nearby alleyway he went to when he wanted to watch you in private, his back turned and he was facing you again. This place was damp and dark, the smell not the best, but it was away from society. And that was perfect for this.
The ravenette rested against the wall and lifted the blunt in between his fingers to rest right on his lips before reaching into his pocket to pull out a lighter. He lit the end of it, resting the flame on the tip for a couple of seconds as he sucked in a huge cloud that left his mouth the second he blew it out.
Holding it out to you afterward, a trail of smoke drifted from the cherry while you took it in your own two fingers. You took a hit from it just like he did, knowing that this was a really good kind as soon as you tasted how smooth the bud was. Your eyes closed and you held it in for five seconds before letting it out until all the air escaped your lungs so you didn’t die from coughing.
Hissing through your teeth, you ended up still letting out a grunt and cleared your throat to ease the burn in the back of your throat. “Shit, that’s a pretty good strain, what is it?” you asked in the middle of your struggle.
Craig took another drag and doubled it while responding nonchalantly like it was nothing, “It’s called Azul. I grew it.” He glanced down at the blunt to check on its burning status and decided it needed another light.
After getting it bright again, he handed it back to you and let you take a couple more puffs, putting his hands in his pockets. An impressed look crossed your face and what he said piqued your curiosity, you asked like you didn’t believe him, “Really?? You’re a grower? Don’t you go to my school and dorms?” It seemed you were going to get along with this guy way more than you thought you would.
More time passed as the two of you progressively got higher and higher each pass, ending up with you laughing contagiously at a joke he had made about a lady that passed by. You would’ve normally quietly chuckled and try to contain it because of how mean it was as you didn’t want to feel bad. But, the state you were in was more than relaxed.
A small smile appeared on Craig while he watched you lose it, “Dude! That’s so messed up… Come on!” You hit his arm and rested your head on his shoulder from being out of it, mumbling into his sweater. He put out the blunt then because he knew that any more would be way too much. Once you got to lift your head and rest your chin on him, he turned his toward you.
He looked down, so close that you could feel his breath brushing against you, and that made your heart stop. Muttering quietly, his questions took a turn that you didn’t expect, “Have you ever kissed a guy before?” Almost instantly, you could feel your dick starting to rise, causing you to cover it with your hand while responding in an unsure tone, “No…”
When your eyes flickered down to his lips after the mention of it though, he was fast to press them against yours. You didn’t resist but you didn’t return it either. Letting him softly kiss you before he pulled away to conclude, “Now you have. How did it feel?”
It was like the oxygen had left you. You couldn’t wrap your mind around why you liked that so much. And the fact he tasted like raspberries was not helping. Was a guy really going to be the one that gave you the best kiss of your life?
He frowned when you took forever to answer, sighing through his nose, and pulling away with a rejected tone, “Fuck, well, sorry I made you question your sexuality, [Y/N].” Before he could get far, you grabbed his collar and made him go back to where he was but ended up overestimating how far you were tugging him. He stumbled forward and pushed you up against the wall, both of his hands landing on both sides of your head to catch himself while your noses touched.
Craig held a glare with you, confused. He didn’t understand why you weren’t saying anything but also refusing to kiss him back as well. Were you into it? Did you want to? You still couldn’t open your mouth to put it into words, in denial about what was happening. But, you gave him something to let him know that it wasn’t bad by returning the kiss gently.
You were barely brushing up into him like you were shy of the action. And he understood that it was because you hadn’t done it in a while so he savored what he could. You were kissing him. Finally, he had gotten what he wanted. He was the one locking lips with you. Not anybody else.
His hands drifted to your sides, slowly moving to your waist so he could hook his fingers at the bottom of your shirt. Knowing where this was going, a knot formed in your throat and you placed your hands on his chest to push him away. “I don’t know if I can go that far,” you finally said something. It wasn’t because you didn’t want to. It was because you couldn’t stop worrying about his safety. All that you could think about was his name in the news headlines and pictures of his chullo hat covered in blood laying in some bushes.
Your breathing went out of control and he could tell you were about to go into a panic attack, wrapping his arms around you as soon as he saw the signs, remembering them from the times you were in your dorm room crying about the interrogation months ago.
There was that guilty feeling in his chest. It made his heart heavy. He didn’t want you to feel like this. Especially when all this worry was for nothing. So, he decided to mumble out the best reassurance he could think of, “I don’t know what’s going on with you. I have no idea what had happened to that friendship we had for a minute back then too. You’ve been out of the loop for quite a while, [Y/N].” He moved back to stare directly at you with sincerity in his voice, “All I know is that kissing someone has never felt so right and if I could, can I make you feel safe enough to trust me with your body for tonight?”
That was the most convincing someone has ever been. And this high helped you calm yourself while using the breathing techniques your therapist gave. You bit your bottom lip before sighing out in frustration, looking around at where you were, and then exclaiming, “Fine! But, can we please do it somewhere else other than a fucking disgusting alleyway?”
Craig stared at you like you were crazy until his face twisted from holding back laughter, ending up bursting at the seams anyway as it sputtered out of him. “You’re right. This isn’t the place to be screwing a pretty boy like you,” he slyly said as he began to head out of the alleyway. You ran after him, trying to brush off what he said but still feeling the butterflies flutter in your stomach.
Eventually, the two of you made it inside of your dorm room, the Tucker locking the door behind you with a snide remark, “So, are you going to answer my question from earlier? How was kissing a boy for the first time?”
You forgot about that. Your mind flashing back to the memory of the kiss, vividly remember how soft his lips were, and how patient he was in his pace. He was aggressive but soft. A perfect mixture. Snapping out of it, you stammered out, “I hadn’t kissed someone in quite a while… Or well, a girl. And it was always quick-paced like they were in a rush to get to the good parts. But with you… Well, with a boy, it was like you couldn’t get enough. That, I think, made it practically impassable.”
What you said made Craig sit in your computer chair and stare at you in awe, reaching his hand up to pull off his hat, and placing it down on your desk. He reached out his hand for yours now and murmured, “Come over here and sit.” You walked over to him and took it, about to actually prop yourself down onto his lap before he stopped you right as you were. “Wait. I need to fix something,” he said as he went to unbutton your pants.
Taking in a sharp inhale through your nose , his hands wasted no time in tugging them off along with your boxers. “Fuck, you move fast. Hold on, let me prepare myself at least,” you sounded embarrassed and you were because your hard-on was so visible. He chuckled at that, “Okay then. I’ll get myself undressed while you can work on getting those off.”
Your eyes couldn’t help but get a look at Craig starting to take his jacket and shirt off, automatically checking him out, and to your surprise, he was pretty built. He noticed you staring and teased, “If you want to see all of it, get to moving, I want to see you too.” That was a bargain you couldn’t say no to, holding your breath as you gripped around the hem of your boxers.
Then you pulled them off, letting them fall to your ankles, tugging your shirt off afterward to get it out of the way. The only thing left on you was your socks and the same was for him a couple of seconds later.
He eyed you up and down with his blue orbs, reaching for your wrist, and pulling you back into touching your knees with his. Both of his hands placed onto your shoulders and began lowering you down until you were coming face-to-face with his huge dick, watching it twitch with a slightly ajar mouth.
“You’re going to have to get it wet if you want to go any further, pretty boy,” he whispered, grabbing your chin to guide your mouth toward him. You couldn’t believe you were doing this, opening wide before taking the tip and wrapping your lips around it. Craig grunted and put a hand on your head, gripping onto your hair to deal with the pleasure.
The texture was different than you expected to feel on your tongue but it was also satisfying in a way. And it didn’t take long for you to get into swallowing most of his length, easing it into your throat, and tasting the saltiness of his pre-cum the more you sucked.
Grabbing harder onto you, he moved his hips upward and made all of his dick go down into your mouth. This caused you to gag and jolt backward, coughing and making a face at him. “What the fuck, man,” you angrily said and got back up onto your feet.
However, Craig was extremely impatient by this point and he could no longer hold up the soft facade he had with you anymore. He stood up with you and within seconds, you were slammed down into your bed while his hand dug into your neck, tightening around your throat to make you choke more than you had on him.
Noises squeaked out of you while the air was leaving you, his other hand positioning himself to your ass and spitting on it to get you ready. He rubbed it around and made you shudder, having never been touched there which caused it to feel super sensitive.
He made both of your legs wrap around his waist once his tip began to push inside, slowly stretching your hole out as you grabbed his wrist to try and pull his hand off of you. It hurt so bad. His size bigger than most so it made it almost numbing the more he slid into you. Your eyes were struggling to stay open as you were close to passing out from the loss of oxygen.
That’s what made him stop. He removed his hand from your neck and balled up both of them into fists, punching them into the pillow your head was resting on while rearing his hips back. He made his entire dick slide out before forcing it back in, making it feel like he was tearing your ass apart from the roughness. You screamed out, “FUCK! CRAIG! WAIT! WAIT, IT HURTS!”
Slapping a hand to cover your mouth, he continued to ram himself over and over into you, watching you take him with several groans slipping out. He was frantic in his movements and made your bed sound like it was about to give up underneath the strength he put into fucking you.
He made you forget about the anxiety alright. Letting you know why you didn’t have to be afraid of him being taken away but rather be afraid of him altogether. At the same time, you were being fucked into liking it. The sweat, slapping from the colliding of skin, and the shaking of your legs set up the perfect scenery for him. He got to see you fucked out underneath him, because of him, all for him. And that was all he needed.
Leaning into your neck, he finally came to a slow pace and rocked up into your walls, gliding his fingers down your chest to play with your tip and the pre-cum on it. Craig was giving you a break, wrapping his palm around the base of your dick until he was pumping it up and down at the exact pace he was thrusting into you. The combined pleasure was enough to get you to moan out in relief, “Much better… Oh, god, that’s much better…”
Another rare smile lifted the corners of his mouth as he moaned with you, burying all of his length for a moment before pulling back again to quicken his speed. “That’s what happens when you’re being a good fuck toy,” he praised. Jerking you off faster and faster as well.
You buried your head into the pillow and felt him start to kiss around your Adam’s apple, littering them around until his teeth brushed around a spot that made you jump. When he found it, he bit into the sensitive area and that caused everything in you to unravel. Your cum shot out on your chest and landed in between his fingers, spreading across his hand, and some even getting on his lower stomach.
He continued to rail himself in you for another long minute before reaching his end alongside you, the warm fluid escaping him with a loud growl, “[Y/N]! Shit… You’re so.. fucking… perfect.” Once he was finished completely and everything had emptied out into your hole, he slid his dick out. Letting the cum spill out onto your sheets while collapsing next to you to rest. The both of you stared at each other in a daze for the last moments you managed to stay awake and as you were about to pass out, Craig had confessed to you, “I think I love you…”
Sorry for any errors or misspellings! I had tried to rush through this little thing when I saw it was getting too long so progressively, it might’ve got worse. But, this is overall what I’ve been working on for a couple and I hope you enjoyed!
Stick around for some more if you want! I got plenty where that came from. And if you like the other fandoms I’m interested in, you would definitely want to follow. I’ll be releasing a lot of those soon!
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fennecfiree · 2 months
Headcanon, after I looked at how Kyle draws, I feel like he thinks he's the best as art, and he shows his parents and their like "oh bubbie that is the most beautiful drawing in the world" and stick it on the fridge, tho they were lying
Kyles art btw:
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idlkey · 5 months
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i was just playing w the shading tbh
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rubatosisr · 8 months
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𖦹 synopsis. dating headcanons w the main four — how they treat you in a relationship.
disclaimers. none
note. first post !
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butters stotch.
butters is truly a real sweetheart, but he is obviously and unfortunately very gullible at times.
cartman being the one whom sets up the whole thing.
he still gets grounded alot, but not as much. Yet his parents find reasons to still do it anyways.
Sweet boyfriend, friend, and person to be around overall.
definitely asks the guys on advice on how to approach you.
they ripped on him for his blooming crush on you obviously.
shocked when they found out that Butters managed to be bold and actually succeeded in asking you out.
when you guys had your first kiss he got so flustered and blushy, muttering “oh gee”s and such.
hand holding turned into cuddling, and then turned into kissing, and then all three became regular to almost everyday things.
good relationship, for the most part.
eric cartman.
oh my!
an interesting person to date, though it is surely an experience.
he’ll tone down the taunting and insults, he truly does like you after all.
It was shocking when you two got together, shocking. Especially to Kyle.
i mean, he could be really sweet. but he’s still cartman.
he actually get jealous pretty easily, hes also just a very controlling person, someone who wants things to be done his way, or to have authority over someone. he manipulates situations almost daily just because he doesn’t like how something turned out.
absolutely kept his crush on you a secret, but his friends eventually found out.
he can be somewhat sweet in very, very rare moments, even if he acts he absolutely hates it, still does it.
after your first kiss he was stunned for a moment.
he was surprised at himself, but said his small and weak goodbyes and went home.
he enjoyed it though, even if it was just a quick peck.
kenny mccormick.
one of most perverted boys you’ve met so far.
this man is NASTY with the things he say under his parka.
he was smooth when he came up to you, but was somewhat nervous.
same as the last two, absolutely got roasted when they found out his crush on you.
surprisingly, you were the one to initiate the first kiss.
he can’t afford taking you on dates but hes a resourceful guy when he wants to be, and he could come with some good ideas.
he works at city wok, so he earns at least okay money often. Enough for most basic essentials.
can be very flirty and romantic at times, a caring boyfriend most of the time.
you take care of Karen often, even bring both of them food sometimes.
Hes a very physical man which is is relatively obvious, always holding you, your hand, anywhere really.
Just loves being around you in all honesty.
Has definitely visited you as Mysterion before, even before you two started dating just so he can try and shoot his shot.
kyle broflovski.
he is such a great boyfriend, hes just soo
took almost half a year to confess to you, his friends kept ripping on him, and he just caved in after the taunting got to him.
study dates are a regular thing, even then you two can get a little bit distracted.
first kiss was genuine and sweet, yet quick, and it felt like it was from the movies.
Stan never lets Kyle live it down for that one time he got caught gawking at you. ( he does it all the time )
he can get flustered a bit more easily than the others, but also wont be phased by much due to all things he experienced in his childhood.
Kyles tall, quite tall, yet no one questions because hes in basketball.
due to his height, he is really skilled at the sport, not only because of his height but also because of his great aim.
cartman has tried to ruin the relationship multiple times, and kyle shut that down real quick the first time it happened.
as we’ve seen, kyle has a tendency to lose his patience fast so that could lead to him sometimes snapping at you or anyone around him. though afterwards he apologizes tons.
“Im so sorry you didn’t deserve that im such an asshole—.”
amazing boyfriend though. :)
stan marsh.
interesting boyfriend.
he can often neglect you unintentionally due to his bad habits and unfortunate mental issues, especially after watching his parents as he grows up. he fears the same would happen to your relationship.
hes not the best at communicating his feelings with you, but if something serious is bothering him, he will tell you you.
he always just shows up at your house late in the night always because he “misses you.”
unlike the other 4, nobody except kyle found out about stans infatuation with you.
Until you two got together, that is.
first date was at starks pond, mainly sitting together as you talked and talked for hours.
threw up after your first kiss, but he pretty much thought it was worth it.
he once gave you a cool little sea globe thing, where it had dolphins and a lighthouse.
you two listen to music alot together, its a bit of an intimate thing for you guys. even during intimate moments there even just the quietest music.
he tries his hardest to not mess up with you, so expect a lot of gifts, affection, and or drunk paragraphs into the latest hours of the night.
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halliestinks · 20 days
Not enough butters appreciation smh 😔 since ny sweet boy deserves better can I pls get headcanons of a reader who has like a MASSIVE crush on him and is super affectionate and sweet with him and he's not used to it
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Butters x Reader who has a Massive Crush on him
a/n: YES PLS MORE BUTTERS REQUESTS!!! I agree 100% he doesn’t get enough appreciation and he’s literally one of my favourite characters (apart from clyde) 🙁🙁
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• you’ve always been head over heels for butters, the way he’s so sweet and genuine to others and how he never has any underlying intentions when he’s being friendly to you always gave you butterflies
• he of course is completely oblivious to your crush, assuming you just think of him as really good pal
• butters isn’t used to someone being so openly affectionate towards him, so when you start showing him affection he gets confused and unsure how to react
• he often blushes and stammers, not knowing how to handle your overwhelming sweetness
• is soo confused, like somebody actually likes being around him???? AND they’re not just using him?????
• despite his confusion you are super patient. you know that butters may need time to adjust to your affectionate nature, you simply enjoy making him feel appreciated
• you despise how everyone uses him, constantly finding yourself sticking up for him even when he doesn’t realize he needs it
• you get so defensive whenever somebody exploits his naivety, though often times he reassures you that it’s okay and he is willingly helping whoever is taking advantage of him. (he doesn’t understand he’s just being used)
“butters just think about it before you agree, please? for me?”
“w—well alright…”
• it sometimes ends with you stopping him, while other times you aren’t so lucky. you make sure to tag along just in case something happens anyways
• complimenting him throughout the day is a must, it will successfully leave him feeling giddy and majorly boosts his confidence
• the first time it happened probably went like this;
“your smile is really cute :)”
“aw gee!! thanks y/n!!! you have a cute smile too!!!”
• takes a minute for him to realise what you just said. he literally NEVER gets compliments so it catches him off guard
• immediately goes red and fiddles with his thumbs as he usually does when he gets shy
• his reaction made you want to compliment him all the time, it irks you so much that he’s never really had much affection towards him
• you usually suggest places to hang out, like at an arcade or a restaurant, etc. he will agree to go no matter where it is, he’s just happy to have somebody who genuinely wants to be around him
• chilling at home together is equally as fun, watching movies while either you play with his hair or he plays with yours
• his parents adore you, they constantly ask if you want to come over for lunch/dinner. they’ll even make an exception for you to visit whenever butters is grounded
• one time you actually got grounded with butters for doing something silly, so you had to stay in his room for the entirety of your stay. you ended up having alot of fun that day, and you got closer to butters so you decide it was worth the grounding
• butters will sometimes surprise you with homemade gifts, or he’ll save up his money to buy you something you’ve mentioned wanting a few times
“do ya like it?? I made it ‘specially for you!!”
“…this is the nicest gift anyone has ever gotten me 😖”
“a—are you crying?!”
• your heart practically melts, it baffles you how somebody can be so pure and yet doesn’t get the love he deserves from others
• it doesn’t take long before he starts to realize just how much he enjoys your company, your sweetness and affection leaving him with a funny feeling in his stomach after hanging out. and he finds himself falling for you too
• I feel like he would probably confess to you almost immediately after he realizes his feelings for you
• you would be hanging out at his place playing a board game, until he can’t hold it in any longer and just straight up confesses
“I—I really like you y/n! like… I like— like you… do you uh.. like— like me too??”
“of course I like— like you too butters!!! I have for ages, I thought you already knew??”
“really?!? I had no idea!!!”
“and here I thought I made it so obvious.”
• the two of you start dating afterwards and nobody is surprised, almost everybody thought you were already a couple so!!
• anyways, he tries his hardest to be the best partner ever. and you do the same, making sure he knows how much you love him everyday <3
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jewbeloved · 4 months
How would the guys confess to you on Valentine's Day 💌
Note: This is 3 days late I know, I was on a writers block and I was having a fever and I kept throwing up in the progress while my stomach hurted and I missed a day to go to school on Wednesday to do my test because of that. And now I got a massive headache, everything is just spinning at once I can't take it anymore. 😭
Warnings: Absolutely none.
Characters used: The main boys.
Gender: Neutral
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💙 Stan Marsh 💠
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Man wants to confess to you on Valentine's Day, he literally be eyeing his calendar and keeping track of the days leading up to Valentine's Day.
But when the day actually comes?
Oh sh!t, he's already in a panic. He doesn't know what to give to you or how to even approach you in general to confess.
He went to Kyle for advice and even practicing his confession for you with him. He knows Valentine's Day can be a really special day for your friends and s/os.
He doesn't want to mess up or make things awkward by vomiting all over you like how he did when he was with Wendy :(
He probably might go with basic presents such as: chocolate, teddy bear, etc.
He will confess to you behind the school just in case his confession goes up in flames and he doesn't want other people to see.
"Uhm, Hi..(Name)...I know it's Valentine's Day and all....and I was just wondering if you wanted to be my valentine...". 💙💙💙💙💙💙
💚 Kyle Broflovski ☘️
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Jews aren't supposed to have valentines-
Just kidding.
But seriously though every time this boy has a love interest it always ends up in a complete dumpster fire for him. (Not Cartman being the man cause for it anyways).
You and him have been good friends for a good couple of months and Valentine's Day has finally arrived.
This is his moment to shine and he won't let anyone ruin it for him, not even the fatass-.
He already got a big 4ft sized teddy bear with a heart box that has your favorite candy or sweet inside it. He also got you both matching outfits to wear if you accept his confession.
He probably might want to confess to you in the park near a big tree. (Yeah, classic romance confessions)
Please accept this boy's confession, it will literally make him the happiest jew in south park.
"Hi (Name)! I hope nobody else has confessed to you...or maybe they have. But I just wanted to ask you if you could be my valentine for this holiday".
❤️ Eric Cartman 🔥
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Cartman is mysteriously preping for something and not being an ass as his usual routine?
I wonder what's on his mind.........probably you.
He obviously doesn't know what to get you for Valentine's Day and he probably doesn't care so he will just get whatever he feels you might like. He forced his mom to buy the presents though! :3
He probably wants to confess to you because you're the only person besides his mom who puts with his psychotic behavior and rude nature.
And probably because you don't make fun of him for being fat😭
The confession will be in his room because he doesn't want the guys ripping on him for having a soft spot for you.
He will confess in the mostly lazily and cheesy way in the first half before actually being honest with his confession.
"So it's Valentine's Day huh? This makes me feel like I am gay if I was doing this for the guys, but since it's just only you (Name), I don't mind it. As anyone would tell their s/o, will you be my valentine?".
🧡 Kenny Mccormick 🧸
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He's poor asf how do you think he can afford even a gift for you?
He feels so sad at the times you give him something and he can't gift you anything in return due to him being the poorest kid in south park.
So instead of buying something, he tries to make a homemade gift for you with whatever he can find (He cleans the material he's using if he finds something useful out of the trash).
Definitely sneaked around alleyways and stole some spare changes from homeless guys so he can use it to at least get you a candy or snack he can afford.
Same as Kyle, he will confess to you in the park while bringing the homemade gifts and snacks he got you.
He wanted this confession to be special like the holiday itself so he took a bath in the river (without soap) and fixed up in his hair a little, not a lot though.
He decided to wear his Princess Kenny outfit afterwards.
"Mmmmm...mmmphmmmmhmmphmmmmmmmmhmmp!" (Im sorry Name...I know this isn't much since I'm poor and I can't gift the same amount you do for me and my family, but it's the least I could to repay my gratitude! Will you be my valentine?).
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A new banner for my new south park Masterlist that I will be making soon.
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carrion-corvus · 1 year
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omg it’s Twaig and Creek
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burnt-wat3r · 2 years
Can i request Kenny & Kyle with a s/o that LOVES true crime stuff <3333
Words: 530
TWs: Mentions of murder, robberies, gruesome stuff, true crime (duh)
A/N: (I’m assuming you mean separate? I should probably add that into the ask rules lmao)
➛ Kenny’s been exposed to quite a bit since he was younger, so the genre isn’t exactly new to him
➛ He found it interesting that you were into that kind of stuff! He doesn’t know many people who like it
➛ The genre isn’t exactly his favorite, but would be more than happy to chill with you while you watch it!
➛ One of Kenny’s love languages is physical touch, and he'd use any opportunity he can get to be next to you
➛ Anytime you even mention wanting to watch a true crime show, he’d jump onto the couch, arms outstretched, waiting for you to join him
➛ Next to you or not, he always grimaces whenever any gruesome details are mentioned
➛ It’s almost as if he’s able to imagine the pain the victims went through, hugging you tighter anytime they're mentioned
➛ Whenever the two of you watch at his place, he always keeps the volume down and watches the door so that Karen doesn’t get shown anything
➛ After you introduced him to the genre, he began to do a little more searching on his own!
➛ He knows that most true crime is about murders, but LOVES documentaries about grand thefts, even suggesting a few for the both of you to watch!
➛ He likes to share his earbuds with you to listen to the latest true crime podcast together
➛ Always tells you to be safe before he leaves, he cares about you above all else, and doesn’t want anything dangerous happening to you <3
➛ When you first brought up the topic of you're favorite genre, he was a bit confused
➛ He couldn’t quite understand why you enjoyed the genre so much? Or like... at all?
➛ He found people making a profit off of victims and their tragedies to be insensitive, and refused to watch anything of the genre with you
➛ Eventually, you convinced him to watch a documentary with you, so there the two of you were, bundled up in blankets on the couch
➛ He found himself enjoying the show, often ridiculing the assaulter and berating them for their mistakes
“Why would they do that? They’d obviously get caught.”
“I can’t believe they forgot to wipe off their prints, what kind of idiot does that?”
➛You may or may have not gotten him addicted to watching
➛ Every day after school, the two of you would be sprawled out on the couch, legs intertwined as he does his homework, listening to the show in the background
➛ If he ever gets really into a show, he ends up watching ahead of the series to finish it himself
➛ He’ll always apologize for doing so, and makes it up to you by sitting with you through the rest of the show!
➛ If you both are really invested in a show, the two of you would stay over at one another's house to binge the series completely! He might watch it without you if you don't
➛ Now, he calls the genre informational, and although he still thinks it’s insensitive, he just can’t stop watching it
A/N: GUESS WHO'S BACK, BACK AGAIN!! I think hope I passed all my exams!! Sorry if the sentences don’t make any sense I really wanted to post something but I’m just so tired!!!
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vampirevatican · 1 year
Kenny Mccormick Headcanons
(he's in his 20s here)
firstly, dude has grown out his hair and sometimes cuts it back to being a short fluffy blonde mess, picked up a job working for amazon or like somewhere uptown, maybe citywok again. was able to get a house to get him and his sister out of there.
the house ain't much, but it's shelter and provides what's needed just fine. same goes for his used pickup truck.
man's got rizz. "im looking... respectfully"
can be very sincere, romantic, serious when he needs to be, but when the situation doesn't call for that he's goofy asf
very lovey dovey and silly w/ his s/o, high-key affection and does pda unless s/o doesn't like pda
hand holding ofc but mainly when you reach out for his hand or it's too crowded
will surprise hug you from behind
he's the type to give u lots of kisses on ur face out of the blue when you're looking down or too serious
yes he went to college. he got there off scholarships, and yes he commuted
consent king
he does the bare minimum and beyond
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hunt3rr4t · 5 months
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Style Headcanons for the Soul
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fennecfiree · 4 months
I just realized how much of a simp Kyle is it's kinda adorable
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idevourglass · 4 months
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The reason why Craig is older in my au is due to him being held back a grade.
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